Brand Assets

On the Brand Assets page, you can add images and logos to bring your organization's branding to your guide. Since the Bloomberg Connects app is a portfolio that houses 500+ guides, this is your chance to set your organization apart and ensure that your guide is recognizably yours. This topic summarizes the options available on the Brand Assets page.

For detailed information on supported file types, dimensions, and recommendations, see Asset Guidelines > Brand Assets.


  • Organization Image: The organization image is your first opportunity to make an impression on your guide’s users. It appears in several places, including in the list of guides on the Explore screen. For more, see Asset Guidelines > Organization Image.
  • Square Logo: The square logo appears next to your organization’s name on the Explore screen. For more, see Asset Guidelines > Square Logo.
  • Rectangular Logo: The rectangular logo appears at the top of your guide’s Home screen. For more, see Asset Guidelines > Rectangular Logo.
  • Splash Screen: The splash screen provides a visual transition from the Explore screen to your guide. It appears while your guide's content loads. For more, see Asset Guidelines > Splash Screen.
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