Pre-Launch Checklist

A top goal of your guide – and of the app overall – is to provide users with a great impression of your organization. The details of the user experience, of course, depend on the specifics of your content, but users' impressions are also influenced by the kind of welcome and access to information that you provide, and by how you utilize basic app features.  

  • Key information such as “About Us,” “How to Use this Guide,” and content in the “Info” tab should contain concise, informative language and be intentionally crafted with both on-site and virtual visitors in mind. 
  • Fields such as caption information or Item texts should not be empty.
  • Key app features such as mapping and lookup numbers should be utilized, if possible.
  • Content should be organized accurately (exhibitions that have closed should not be featured in “Current Exhibitions,” for example).
  • Images, logos, and maps should be high enough resolution and appropriately cropped.
  • Make language equally relevant and welcoming to on-site and virtual visitors. Sometimes, this means directly acknowledging that they are having different experiences and speaking to both.
  • Help your visitors experience your story by guiding them with structured content that narrates their journey through the institution clearly and connectedly.
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