Hiding Outdated Content

Content in your CMS can either be visible or hidden. The following topic explains how to use these visibility options to make sure your content stays up to date.

Visible vs. Hidden

All content is visible by default, which means that visitors can see it in your guide once you make it discoverable via:

  • A lookup number or QR code,
  • The Home screen,
  • The map,
  • An Item's parent Exhibition/Tour, OR
  • Related content

Making content hidden is best for: quick edits, temporary closures, or content that you don’t want your visitors to discover in the app in any way (e.g., an Exhibition that is not ready for the public or no longer on view and that you are not planning to present as a digital-only experience). Hiding content:

  • Removes content from home screen. Hidden content cannot be placed in a Past Exhibitions section–or anywhere in the home screen navigation.
  • Hides content on map. Hiding an Exhibition or Tour will also hide its Items, if this option has been selected. Items that are also included in other Exhibitions/Tours will not be affected.
  • Lookup numbers will no longer work. However, making visible again will reactivate them.
  • Can easily be made visible again. Content will have to be manually replaced on the Home page.
  • Can be done automatically. When you create an Exhibition, Tour, or Event with start and end dates, you can set it to automatically hide when it becomes outdated. Read more in the Expiring Content section below.

Changing Visibility

You can change the visibility of any content in your guide.


  1. On the content grid, click the three dots and select an option (e.g., Hide Exhibition).

  2. Confirm the details in the dialog that appears, then click the button (e.g., Hide Exhibition).

    Note: When you change the visibility of an Exhibition, you can choose to also change the visibility of all Items included in the Exhibition. Items that exist in multiple Exhibitions are not changed.

The content's visibility is changed and the Visibility column in the grid updates. When you hide content, it is removed from the home screen. All other details are retained in the CMS, but will not be visible in your guide in the app (e.g., the map location, the lookup number).

Expired Exhibitions, Events, and Tours

When your content has an end date, the content expires after the end date passes. When you’re creating or editing an exhibition, event, or tour, you can select whether it to automatically hide it, or keep it visible, once it expires. 

Regardless of your selection, all expired content loses the map locations and lookup numbers for it and its items. However, items that are included in other exhibitions or tours aren’t changed.

Note that in order to keep a Tour visible after it expires, it must be converted to an Exhibition. This is because Tour stops can’t technically appear without locations. So, when a Tour expires, to keep its stops visible without locations, they’re converted to Items within an Exhibition.

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