Creating Bloomberg Connects Maps

A site map for your institution helps visitors locate objects, exhibitions, and activities—as well as cafes, shops, and restrooms—floor-by-floor and across outdoor grounds.

To ensure the best user experience, the maps in the Bloomberg Connects app follow a distinct style. To create maps in the appropriate style, you can send the Bloomberg Connects Marketing team the map (or maps) of your institution, and our team will redesign them, or you can use the guidelines provided to create your own maps.

Submitting Your Maps


  1. Ensure that you have a unique map for each floor of your institution.

    The style of the map isn’t important. We can even work from a sketch or architectural drawing. 

  2. Convert the images of your maps into PDF format.
  3. Mark up the PDF with necessary edits using sticky notes/comments in the PDF. If not already indicated on the exiting maps, be sure to include: 
    • Bathrooms
    • Accessible bathrooms
    • Elevators
    • Stairs
    • Entrance / exit
    • Rooms that are off-limits to the public
    • Info desk
    • External streets, if applicable
    • Gallery names, if you wish
    • If you are submitting multiple maps, please label each map with the name of the building, the floor number, etc.
  4. Submit your PDF using this form.

Once your maps are submitted, a Bloomberg Connects marketing project manager will review your submission within 5 business days and email you to confirm that work has started or ask for additional info if necessary.

Typical turnaround time for the first draft is 2-4 weeks, depending on our design team’s workload. Total time to complete the map is typically 6 weeks, depending on the timeliness of feedback and the number of edits needed.


To download an example of a map marked up with sticky notes, click here (.pdf).

Designing Your Own Maps

If you want to design your own map—or edit an existing map—the following resources will help you ensure a consistent style:

The guidelines below are intended to serve standard use cases and organizations. To discuss alternative approaches, reach out to


To download the map icon package (.zip) click here.


The font used throughout the Bloomberg Connects app is “Avenir Next P for BBG Demi” font. This is a proprietary version of Avenir. It is only approved for use in Bloomberg Connects material.

To download Avenir Next P for BBG Demi (.zip), click here.


    • Indoor Space/Figure: White (RGB 255 255 255)
    • Walls/Borders/Non-Public Space: Gray (RGB 105 105 105)
    • Background: Light Gray (RGB 242 242 242)
    • Grass/Landscape: Green (RGB 206 242 218)
    • Water: Blue (RGB 222 234 252)


An example of an exterior map (left) and two floor plans



  • Maps show 2-dimensional, overhead views of your space.
  • All relevant floors in a building:
    • Have separate maps
    • Use the same scale
    • Are oriented in the same direction

File size and type

  • In your design tool (e.g., Adobe Illustrator), your artboard is set to 1170 pixels (w) by 2532 pixels (h). 
    • Note: You should use this full space for your map visuals, then export the 1170x2532 file. Padding is added automatically when you upload your map to the CMS.
  • Map is exported as a JPEG/JPG.

Colors and line weights

  • Whenever possible, all map elements use the recommended colors:
    • Indoor Space/Figure: White (RGB 255 255 255)
    • Walls/Borders/Non-Public Space: Gray (RGB 105 105 105)
    • Background: Light Gray (RGB 242 242 242)
    • Grass/Landscape: Green (RGB 206 242 218)
    • Water: Blue (RGB 222 234 252)
  • If you require more colors, all text:color contrast passes WCAG guidelines (4.5:1 for normal text).
  • If it is helpful for context/orientation, all areas not open to the public are unlabeled and shaded Gray.
  • All lines use the recommended weight:
    • Walls/borders: 4pt
    • Stairwells: 2pt
  • All lines are as simple as possible (e.g., for exterior walls, remove irrelevant ornamentation and windows; for interior walls, remove door swing arcs).


  • All icons come from the Icon Library.
  • Icons are not resized, skewed, or recolored.
  • All relevant, permanent building features are marked (e.g., stairs, elevators, ramps, restrooms, entrances, exits).

Text labels

  • All text labels use the “Avenir Next P for BBG Demi” font
    • Note: This is a proprietary version of Avenir. It is only approved for use in Bloomberg Connects material.
  • All text labels use the recommended font sizes:
    • Primary: 36pt/48px
    • Secondary: 32pt/42px
    • Tertiary: 27pt/36px
  • All text labels use the recommended colors:
    • On Light Gray, White, Green, Blue: Gray (RGB 105 105 105)
    • On Gray: White (RGB 255 255 255)
  • All text is legible, easy to read, and unobstructed.
  • All relevant rooms are labeled and all room labels are centered.

Adobe Illustrator Template

To download an Adobe Illustrator template that is sized to the Bloomberg Connects requirements, click here (.ai).

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