Updating Your Location and Hours

On the About page, you can add your organization's street address (or addresses) so visitors know where to find you. For each location, you can set your opening hours.

Adding a New Location

Addresses are pulled from Google Maps. Start typing your organization's name or street address directly into the Address field, then select the address from the list that appears.

If you only have one location, you don't need to add a name.

If you have more than one location:

  • Your primary location controls the map pin and distance calculation.
  • The location names appear on your guide’s detail screen.

Understanding Your Primary Location

Your location is used to pin your organization to the Explore screen map and to calculate which organizations are “nearby” for a visitor. If you add more than one location, one of these locations will be tagged as the Primary Location. Your primary location controls the map pin and distance calculation.

To set one of your locations as the primary location, drag the location card to the top of the list.


  • Only add multiple locations for a single organization if the locations are within walking distance of each other.
  • If your organization has multiple branches that are visited independently (e.g., if the locations are in different cities), each location should have its own guide.
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