About Your Organization

On the About page, you can add details that help visitors get to know your organization and help them prepare for a visit. This topic summarizes the options available on the About page.


  • Name: Your organization's name. If your organization has a common abbreviation or nickname, add it as the Friendly Name. Your friendly name appears for visitors browsing the Explore screen. If left blank, your formal name appears everywhere.
  • Description: A brief introduction to your organization and context for the content in your guide (2-3 sentences/50-100 words). For more, see Adding your Organization Description.
  • Location & Hours: Your organization's address or city and opening hours. Your location is used to pin your organization to the Explore screen map and to calculate which organizations are “nearby” for a visitor. For more, see Updating Your Location and Hours.
  • Languages: If your organization provides custom human translations for your content, select the languages you support to expose your translations in the app. Human translations overwrite the automatic Google Translate-provided translations. For more, see Multilingual Content.
  • Guide Wi-Fi Network: The Wi-Fi network to which your visitors connect on site. When an visitor connects to this Wi-Fi network, your usage data records them as an on-site visitor.
  • Marketing Web Page Link: If your organization's website has a page that highlights your digital guide, add the link to that page. The Bloomberg Connects team uses this link to promote your guide on https://www.bloombergconnects.org/guides/.
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