Home Screen

In the CMS, the Home page lets you customize your guide's landing page. In the app, your guide’s home screen is a critical tool for helping visitors discover your collections and programming.

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Layout Options


Under a logo that anchors your visual brand, all featured content is organized into sections.

You can customize sections and headers to include anything you want to feature, like current or recent exhibitions, community engagement and volunteer programming, donation and membership information, and visitor amenities like shops and cafes.

For more, see Recommended Home Screen Sections.

Layout Options

Within each section, you can organize your content so that the content tiles appear in a horizontal list underneath the section header OR so that the content tiles appear in a vertical list.

Keep in mind that very long lists (horizontal or vertical) can result in content getting overlooked, especially towards the end of the list.

For more on managing sections, see Updating Home Screen Sections.

Content arranged in one section so it appears in a horizontal list. Click to expand.
Content arranged in multiple sections so it appears in a vertical list. Click to expand.
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