Managing Guide Versions

To manage updates to your content and ensure smooth rollout for new iterations, you can choose to create a new draft or edit the live version of your guide.

Understanding Versions

You can see which version of the guide you are editing in the upper left corner of the CMS.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • You can only have one live version and one draft version at a time
  • Changes made to one version are never reflected in the other version
  • When you want to publish the content in a draft to the public, the live content is replaced by the draft content and the draft version disappears

Editing the live version is a quick way to make changes that:

  • Can appear to your visitors immediately
  • Are small and self-contained, with minimal dependencies
  • Do not require a lengthy creation or review process

For example, if you spot a typo in your live guide, you can easily fix that in the live version (just remember to fix it in your draft as well!).

On the other hand, creating and editing content in the draft version is best for:

  • Time-consuming or inter-dependent changes
  • Structural updates
  • Changes that require internal review

For example, if you want to prepare a new Exhibition, it would be best to create a draft to iterate on that change slowly, without exposing your changes to visitors until you're ready. You can preview draft content in the app using internal mode. For more, see Reviewing Draft Content in the App.

Creating a Draft

You can start a new draft version to iterate on changes outside of your live branch. When you create a new draft, the content from the current live version is pulled into the new draft branch.

Changes made to the draft branch are not visible in your guide until you make the draft content live.

In the upper left corner of the CMS, click the three dots and select Create New Draft.

The draft is created and the content loads on your screen.

Switching Versions

You can switch between editing the live and draft versions of your guide.

In the upper left corner of the CMS, from the drop-down menu, select a version.

Your selected version loads.

Publishing a Draft

When you're ready to expose your updates to visitors, you can publish your draft. Published content is live in the app and can be enjoyed by visitors.


  1. In the upper left corner of the CMS, click the three dots and select Publish Draft.

  2. In the confirmation window, click Publish.

Your draft is published and appears in the app. The previous live version is archived. Next time you need to make updates, create a new draft.

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