Guide Export

You can export a text-only version of the content in a live or draft guide to a file that you can save, print, and send to stakeholders (like your editing team).

Exporting Your Guide

In the Tools section, on the Guide Export page, preview the text version of your guide, then click Copy to copy the content to your clipboard.

If your guide includes custom translations in multiple languages, you can choose the language in which you want to export the content.

Once copied to your clipboard, the content can be pasted into any program in which you want to review it (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs).

Export File Organization

The formatting of the exported document does not necessarily reflect the formatting of your final guide. Always review your draft guide in the app to ensure all formatting and presentation looks correct. For more, see Reviewing Draft Content in the App.

The order of the content in the export file is based on the order of content featured on the home screen:

  • Items nested within Exhibitions/Tours appear below their respective Exhibitions/Tours.
  • Content that appears in the guide multiple times is only exported once, at the place where it first appears. 

    Related content is not exported directly below the Item or Exhibition it is related to. If this content is located elsewhere in the navigation, it will be exported there. If content is only located in Related, it will appear at the bottom of this export under a horizontal line, along with other content that does not appear on the home screen.

    Under each image file name, two pieces of content may appear. When available, the alt text appears directly below the image file name. The caption appears below the alt text. 

    • Alt text is read aloud by screen readers. While it needs to be clear and concise, you do not need to worry about punctuation or formatting. When reviewing your draft in the app, you can turn on your device’s native screen reader (e.g., VoiceOver for iPhones) to review the experience and your alt text. 
    • Captions do appear in your guide and should be carefully reviewed for punctuation and formatting.
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