Post-Launch Checklist

The launch of a guide is just the beginning! Maintaining current and engaging content on Bloomberg Connects should become part of an organization’s overall workflow and content strategy. Below is a suggested checklist of post-launch content updates.

Need help with strategy or additional content review? Reach out to your relationship manager to discuss what resources are available. 


Things to address as they happen or on a weekly basis. Consider updating Bloomberg Connects around the same time as you update these items on your website. 

  • Add any content that was noted at launch as needing to be completed, following the agreed-upon time frame.
  • Add new exhibitions as they open.
  • Add new Items, photography, multimedia, or texts that have been created for current exhibitions.
  • Move exhibitions to “past” as they close; un-pin Exhibitions and Items from the map.
  • Add upcoming events, if relevant to your guide.
  • Delete events after they happen, unless documentation is interesting and can be reassigned to another part of the guide (for example, a Past Events entry).
  • Share your content calendar with your Partnership Manager so we can try and promote your offerings at key moments, and keep our collaboration going!  


Things to address every two to four months, on a schedule that makes sense for your organization. 

Review relevant content on other platforms (blog posts, social media) and evaluate for inclusion in your Bloomberg Connects guide.

  • Update any items that may have been rotated in or out of permanent exhibitions.
  • Use our Data Dashboard to track what content visitors are engaging with most. Connect with your Marketing contact to track how many people access your guide from QR codes posted in your institution and/or how many discover the guide from your website/social.
  • Attend a Bloomberg Connects webinar or meetup to get fresh ideas!


Things to address about once a year. Consider timing this review to coincide with broader institutional planning.  

  • Review all guide content for relevance and engagement.
  • Consider removing or reorganizing content that visitors are not engaging with or that feels out of date.
  • Check hyperlinks to make sure they are still functional and relevant.
  • Update death years and change tense as needed for artists who have passed away.
  • Brainstorm new initiatives for the coming year.
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