Closing an Exhibition

When an exhibition in your physical space closes, you can clean up your guide to remove references to the physical location of the objects. Closing an Exhibition is the best option for: Exhibitions that are no longer on view in your physical space, but that you would like to present as a digital-only experience, such as in a “Past Exhibitions” section.

In Bloomberg Connects, closing an Exhibition:

  • Removes the lookup numbers for the Exhibition and all child Items. The lookup numbers will be free to use for other content.
  • Removes the map location for the Exhibition and all child Items. The map pins themselves are not deleted, so you can add new content to an old pin as appropriate. If any map pins only contain Items that are part of the closed Exhibition, the pins do not appear in your guide (though they remain in your CMS).

Closing an Exhibition does not:

  • Change any Items added to the Related section of an Exhibition or any Items that are used in multiple Exhibitions (in case the other Exhibition is still on view).
  • Remove the Exhibition from its location on the Home screen (since you may want to maintain the content but move it to a "Past Exhibitions" section). If you want to completely remove an Exhibition from your guide, you can hide it. For more, see Content Visibility.

Automatically closing an Exhibition

You can schedule your Exhibition to close by selecting "Date Range" for its Display Period. When the Exhibition's end date passes, its map locations and lookup numbers will be removed automatically.

In the Expiration section of your Exhibition's Edit window, you can select whether the Exhibition is hidden from your guide, or remains visible. You can also do this for Events and Tours.

Steps to close an Exhibition manually

  1. On the content grid, click the 3-dots menu and choose Close Exhibition.

  2. Confirm the details in the dialog that appears, then click Close Exhibition.

The Exhibition is closed. The lookup numbers and map locations for the Exhibition and its Items are removed.

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