Data Dashboard Landing Page

The main landing page of your dashboard provides high-level data, so you can get a well-rounded picture of how people engage with your guide.

  • All tiles display data from your selected date range and language (if specified).
  • The dashboard includes data on all content that was available at any point during the date range, even if some of the content is currently closed or hidden.
An example of the Data Dashboard landing page for the Guggenheim Museum

Landing Page Tiles

Users by Day

A line chart showing the number of people who used your guide each day (during the date range).

A person is counted as a "user" regardless of how they enter your guide. They can enter your guide in a number of different ways, including: scanning a QR code (lookup or promotional), finding your guide on the Explore screen, and tapping a shared link.

Repeat visitors are only counted once per day.

If your user count for today looks low, keep in mind that data is reported on a delay (up to 24 hours). Check back tomorrow for the updated data.


To see how many people started your guide each hour in a given day, click any point on the line chart and select Drill into [Date] by Date Hour.

A person who starts your guide several times in one day is counted once on the main line chart but up to several times on the by-hour screen. A person who starts your guide several times in one hour is counted just once for that hour.


The total number of people who used your guide during the date range.

A person can enter your guide in a number of different ways, including: scanning a QR code (lookup or promotional), finding your guide on the Explore screen, and tapping a shared link. A person is counted as a "user" regardless of how they enter your guide.

Repeat visitors are only counted once.


The number of people who used your guide in each language, both as a count and as a percentage of all guide users.


The number of people who interacted with each Exhibition, represented by unique views.


For more on how people engaged with content inside each Exhibition, click an Exhibition title and select See Exhibition Details.


The number of people who interacted with each Tour, represented by unique views.


For more on how people engaged with content inside each Tour, click a Tour title and select See Tour Details.


The number of people who interacted with each Item, represented by unique views.


For more on how people engaged with each Item, click an Item title and select See Item Details.


The number of people who interacted with each Event, represented by unique views.


For more on how people engaged with each Event, click an Event title and select See Event Details.


The number of people who listened to each audio file, represented by unique plays, and the average duration of the plays.


The number of people who played each video, represented by unique plays, and the average duration of the plays.

Opening a Detail Page

From the main Data Dashboard landing page, you can click any Exhibition, Tour, Event, or Item title to open the detail page:

For more on the information that appears, see Data Dashboard Detail Pages.

To get back to the main landing page from any detail page, use your browser's Back button.

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