Dashboard Actions

There are a few basic actions available in the Data Dashboard that can help you get the most out of your analysis.

Setting the Date Range

You can review historical data to spot trends and changes in user activity over time.

Data is available on up to a 24-hour delay. The most recent data is generally from yesterday.

As of June 2024, the earliest data available in the Data Dashboard is from February 1, 2024. To see historical data prior to February 1, 2024, use the legacy Usage report.


  1. Click the date range field.

  2. Choose a preset range (e.g., Last 90 Days) or click Custom to choose your own range.

    Hint: If you want to use a preset date range, you can select More to expose additional options.

  3. Click the Update button.

The dashboard refreshes with data from your selected range.

Updating the Dashboard Time Zone

By default, the Data Dashboard displays date and time information in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The timezone impacts two things:

  • The date range.
  • The hourly guide start data accessible from the Users by Date line chart.

You might want to change your dashboard time zone to match the time zone of your organization.


  1. Click the three dots and select Viewer Time Zone.

  2. Start typing the name of your nearest major city, select an option from the list that appears (e.g., America - New York), and click Update.

The dashboard refreshes with data in your selected time zone.

Resetting Dashboard Filters

You can reset the dashboard filters (date range and language) to the default values (Last 30 Days and all languages). To reset the filters, click the three dots and select Reset Filters.

The dashboard refreshes.

Downloading Data

You can download data from the dashboard to share the information with your organization's stakeholders in meetings and presentations.

For example, you may want to download both the Overview page and the Exhibition Detail page to present a complete picture of how people interacted with your guide in the period around a major opening.

You can also download individual tiles one at a time. Hover your mouse in the top-right corner of the tile, click the Tile Actions button and select Download Data. You can download tile data in several different formats, including HTML and JSON, so you can easily pull the data in to other internal reports you create.


  1. Click the three dots and select Download.

    In the window that appears, set your download preferences:

    • Format: PDF or CSV.
    • Paper Size: Choose the paper size on which to present your data. If you are preparing the data for digital communication, we recommend keeping the default selection: Fit Page to Dashboard. Otherwise, if you plan to print your data, select the appropriate paper size.
    • Expand Tables to Show All Rows: This is helpful if any of the tiles contain many rows of data and you want all the rows to appear. If left unchecked, the download only includes the number of rows in your current view (e.g., 5 or 10, depending on your browser).
    • Arrange Dashboard Tiles in a Single Column: Export the tiles in a single column instead of the side-by-side configuration used in the dashboard. We recommend that you check this option to avoid formatting issues
    • Open in Browser: Download the data in your internet browser, rather than in a PDF or CSV document.
  2. Click Download.

The file downloads to your computer.

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