Bulk Upload Overview

You can use the bulk upload tool to add or update many pieces of content at once, using a spreadsheet, without interacting with the Content section of the CMS. For example, in a single bulk upload file, you can add new audio files to your CMS library, add new Creator records, create new Items, and add Items to Exhibitions.

Bulk upload is a separate process from creating content manually in your CMS. Content that you created manually in the CMS is not impacted by bulk upload activity.

If your organization is interested in using bulk upload functionality, reach out to your relationship manager to discuss.

Performing a Bulk Upload

You can upload one bulk upload file to add or change multiple pieces of content at once. For more on the supported file types and required sheets/column, see Bulk Upload Files.

Bulk upload is only available in the draft version of your guide. For more, see Creating a Draft.


  1. In the Tools section, on the Bulk Upload page, click Upload.

  2. In your computer's file browser, select your file and click Open.
  3. In the confirmation window that appears, click Upload.

The CMS processes your upload file. Once the processing is complete, an upload confirmation appears. Any new or updated content from your upload file appears in the relevant sections of the CMS. In the content grids, in the Entry column, a Bulk indicator appears. Any previously bulk uploaded content not included in this upload file is removed.

If your bulk upload file includes images, the images are not automatically cropped to fill the thumbnail and hero display formats. We recommend that you manually edit all images added via bulk upload to ensure the proper display. For more, see Cropping an Image.

Image cropping persists across subsequent bulk uploads if the original image source (i.e., URL) stays the same.

Editing Bulk Upload Content

After adding content to the CMS via bulk upload, you can edit the content manually, but there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Manual edits to descriptive fields like Title and Description are overwritten by subsequent bulk uploads.
  • Image crop selections persist and are not overwritten by subsequent bulk uploads as long as the original asset source (i.e., URL) stays the same.
  • If you link a manually created asset to a bulk upload asset (e.g., add a manually created video to a bulk upload Item), the asset link persists as long as the original bulk upload source stays the same. In this example, if the Item is removed from a subsequent bulk upload file, it is removed from the CMS and the link between the video and the Item is removed. However, the manually created video remains in the CMS.

Additionally, each bulk upload overwrites the entire set of objects in the previous bulk upload. For example, if you bulk upload Items 1-10 on Monday and then create a new file to bulk upload Items 11-20 on Tuesday, only Items 11-20 will remain in your CMS. If you want to add new Items in a subsequent bulk upload, you must include all existing Items as well.

Content that you manually add to the CMS is never impacted by bulk upload activity.

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