QR Code FAQs

Bloomberg Connects uses QR codes to get people to download the app and to access content in your guide.

Any marketing material that gets developed to promote your Bloomberg Connects guide should feature QR codes generated by the Bloomberg Connects team or though the CMS. QR codes that you create through other platforms will not work properly. For more information, reach out to marketing@bloombergconnects.org.

Where do QR codes take people?

QR codes can take people to:

  • Your guide's home screen
    • Recommended for "awareness" signage, general collateral, and your website.
  • An exhibition in your guide (lookup QR code)
  • An item in your guide (lookup QR code)
  • A tour in your guide (lookup QR code)

We suggest using lookup QR code on wall labels next to objects/artworks, exhibition walls, or signage dedicated to a specific gallery, tour or exhibition. For more, see Lookup Numbers & QR Codes > Lookup QR Codes.

The Bloomberg Connects Marketing team can also provide tracking links that work the same way as a QR code, taking people on mobile devices to your guide/exhibition/item/tour. The main difference is that if someone clicks on a link from a desktop computer, they will be taken to bloombergconnects.org, since you have to be on a phone to download an app.

How do QR codes work?

If someone has Bloomberg Connects already downloaded on their phone, they are taken right to your guide/exhibition/item/tour when they scan the code.

If someone does not yet have Bloomberg Connects, they are taken to the App Store or Google Play, based on their device, and are prompted to download the app when they scan the code. Once they download and click open, they are taken to your guide/exhibition/item/tour.

We encourage you to promote your guide on your websites and through any pre-visit communications so that when visitors arrive on site, the process is seamless.

Should we use QR codes on our digital channels?

We recommend including a QR code, in addition to a tracking link, on your dedicated Bloomberg Connects landing page to make it easier for desktop visitors to your site to access your guide.

For emails, social media posts, e-tickets and other digital communications, we can provide you with tracking link, as noted above, but we strongly encourage our cultural partners to point all of their digital communications to their dedicated landing page.

With that said, if you need a link, contact marketing@bloombergconnects.org.

What data do you track?

For all of our promotional QR codes and links, we track the following metrics:

  • Clicks: How many people clicked or scanned a QR code or link
  • Downloads: How many people downloaded the app from that code/link
  • Opens: How many people opened the app from that click

Reports can be shared upon request—we typically share insights and recommendations based on what we're seeing in the report. Reach out to marketing@bloombergconnects.org for information.

Some QR code data is also available for self-service in the Data Dashboard. For more, see Data Dashboard Overview > Understanding QR Code Usage.

How do I create Lookup QR Codes?

To request that the Bloomberg Connects Marketing team creates QR codes you need for promotion, email marketing@bloombergconnects.org.

You can download QR codes to use in place of or in addition to lookup numbers from the CMS. For more, see Lookup Numbers and QR Codes.

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