Exterior Maps

You can add an exterior map to give visitors a macro view of a facility that includes multiple buildings or outdoor objects.

If your facility only has one building and doesn't have any outdoor objects, you don't need to add an exterior map. Instead, you can just add your building and floor plans. For more, see Buildings.

You must add an exterior map if you want to add floor maps for more than one building.

If your guide contains both building floor map(s) and an exterior map, the exterior map appears to visitors by default.

Adding an Exterior Map

You can add a map of your entire property or physical space to organize your buildings and outdoor points of interest.


  1. In the Guide section, on the Map page, click Add Exterior Map.

  2. In the window that appears, click Upload Map.

  3. In the file browser that appears, navigate to your map file and click Open.

    For more on working with the Bloomberg Connects marketing team to develop your map images, see Creating Bloomberg Connects Maps.

Your exterior map appears in the CMS. You can add your buildings or content pins to the exterior map. For more, see Buildings and Map Pins.

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