
Your guide can include floor maps for one or more buildings. To add floor maps, you must first create a building.

Adding a Building

Add a building to organize your floor maps, so your visitors can easily navigate your space.


  1. In the Guide section, on the Map page, click Add Building.

  2. Enter the name of your building, then click Continue.

Your building is added to the CMS.

You can add floor map(s) to your building. For more, see Floor Maps.

If your facility has more than one building, first add an exterior map, then add your additional buildings. For more, see Exterior Maps.

Managing Building Pins

You can update your building pins to make sure they are as useful as possible.

To update a building pin, click the three dots next to the pin name, then make a selection:

  • Edit Building Title: Update the name of the building. Your first building inherits the name of your organization by default.
  • Hide Area: If the building includes a circular area indicator, like in the example image here, you can hide the area indicator and keep only the building pin. You can also choose to show the area if it has previously been hidden.
  • Delete Building: Delete the building and all of its floor maps from the CMS.

To update the location of a building pin, drag and drop the pin to a new location.

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