Floor Maps

You can add floor maps to your buildings to help visitors find facilities and points of interest.

Before adding a floor map, you need to add a building. For more, see Buildings.

Adding a Floor Map


  1. In the Guide section, on the Map page, under the building for which you want to provide the floor map, click Add Floor Map.

  2. In the file browser that appears, navigate to map file and click Open.

    For more on working with the Bloomberg Connects marketing team to develop your map images, see Creating Bloomberg Connects Maps.

Your floor map appears in the CMS.

Repeat steps 1 & 2 to add additional floors.

For more on updating floor map information, see Managing Floor Maps. For more on creating pins to show visitors where to find specific content on your floor maps, see Map Pins.

Managing Floor Maps

You can update your floor maps to match your building's layout and facilitate visitor navigation.

  • To update a floor map, click the three dots next to the floor name, then make a selection:

    • Replace Floor Map: Swap out the image file for a new one, without losing any location pins.
    • Delete Floor: Delete the floor map and all of its pins from the CMS.
    • Set Default Floor: Show the floor first when visitors access the building from your guide's Map tab. Usually, the default floor should be the floor where visitors enter your space.
  • To change the order of your floors, drag and drop floors to a new location.

  • To update the name of the floor using 1-2 alphanumeric characters (e.g., 3, G, P1), click the name, edit, and click the check mark to save.

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