Map Visibility

The following topic clarifies the difference between two map visibility options: Show on Map and Feature on Map Tab.

Show on Map

All content that is associated with a location pin inherits a Show on Map button that shows visitors where to find the content in your space.

You can associate content with a pin in two ways:

  • While creating or editing content (e.g., an Item): In the Show on Map section of the content template, choose an existing pin from the dropdown menu. The pin is added to the content.
  • While creating or editing a location pin: On the Map page, in the Add Pin or Edit Pin form, choose an existing Item, Event, Exhibition, or Tour from the content selector. The content is added to the pin.
Adding an existing pin to an Item (left) and adding an existing Item to a pin (right).
From an object's detail screen, visitors can tap the Show on Map button to see where the object is in your space (other pins do not appear on the map)

Feature on Map Tab

You also have the option to feature content on your guide's Map tab. Featuring content on the Map tab helps visitors who are browsing your guide and want a higher-level overview of what you provide.

We recommend that you only feature some of your content on the Map tab to avoid making the map too crowded. For example, you might want to feature only your top-10 most popular Items, or your three current Exhibitions.

Choosing to feature content on your Map tab does not change the experience of seeing/tapping the Show on Map button from an object's detail screen (that button appears regardless of whether the content is featured).

When creating or editing content (e.g., an Item) or creating or editing a pin, turn on the Feature on Map Tab toggle.

Turn on "Feature on Map Tab" when adding/editing content (left) or when adding/editing a pin (right)
Visitors can open the Map tab to see all featured content. If a visitor taps into a specific piece of content (e.g., Item), they can still tap Show on Map to see only the location of that specific object
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