First-Time CMS Login

When you join Bloomberg Connects, your relationship manager will send you an email with a link to get started in the CMS.

The first time you log in to the CMS, you will be prompted to set your password, register your account with Google Authenticator, and acknowledge a privacy statement. The following topic walks you through this first-time login and setup process.

For subsequent logins, you just need to use your email, custom password, and six digit verification code from Google Authenticator. For more on subsequent logins, see Logging in to the CMS.

Using Google Authenticator as described here does not affect how you log into your personal Google account. These instructions apply only to your Bloomberg Connects CMS login.


  1. In your inbox, open the getting started email, then click Get Started.

    The subject line is: Bloomberg Connects: Get Started. The sender email address is: This email expires after seven days.

    The Bloomberg Connects CMS login page opens in your default internet browser.

  2. Choose a secure password for your future logins, then click Next. For more, see Password Requirements.

  3. Register your Google Authenticator account with your Bloomberg Connects CMS account:
    1. Launch the Google Authenticator app, then tap the button at the bottom of the screen (e.g., Get started). On some devices, you might see Set Up or Begin Setup.

    2. When prompted to add an account, tap Scan a QR Code, then allow the app to access your camera. On some devices, you might see Scan Barcode. If you already use Google Authenticator for another service, tap the + button and choose Scan a QR Code.

    3. Point your mobile device's camera at the QR code on the CMS login screen to capture the code.

      Do not scan the code in this image! Scan the code you see on the CMS login screen.
    4. The Google Authenticator app displays a screen with a six digit verification code. In Google Authenticator, your verification code expires every 30 seconds and a new code appears. A valid code is blue and an expired code is red. A countdown clock indicates the time left until expiration.

    5. On the CMS login screen, enter the Google Authenticator verification code, then click Next.

  4. Review the privacy notice, then click Complete Login.

    Your password is set and you are logged in to the CMS. Your one-time Google Authenticator registration and setup process is complete. For all subsequent logins, you will need to enter your email, password, and six digit Google Authenticator code. For more on subsequent logins, see Logging in to the CMS.

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