On-Site Promotion

While the goal is to encourage potential visitors to download Bloomberg Connects before they visit, we know that many people will not have the app installed when they arrive on-site. With that in mind, identifying places on-site to prompt a download and educating your visitor services team about your guide will help maximize on-site usage. Institutions that are most successful in driving on-site usage use a combination of well-placed signs and well-scripted visitor services staffers.

On-Site Signage

Awareness Signs

On-site awareness signage encourages app downloads before visitors fully immerse themselves in your content. Their purpose is to encourage downloads and drive guide starts. The signage is not intended to get in the way of the overall experience, so when thinking about placement, consider locations where your visitor naturally congregate or pause:

  • Arriving: Entrance (interior or exterior), parking lot, lobby
  • Checking in: Ticket/admission desk, ticket line, coat check, locker room
  • Navigating your space: Inside elevators, by elevator banks, at info booths, on map/directional signs
  • Exploring your galleries: On exhibition or collection intro text
  • Taking a break: On café/restaurant tables, in restrooms, in education center/learning lab/classroom space

You can always evaluate performance and layer on additional placements over time.

We have developed a series of options with variations on background color, image, and headline.


Awareness Signage
Table Tents
A-Frame/Sandwich Board Signs
Mesh Banners

Lookup Number & Lookup QR Code Signs

Lookup numbers and lookup QR codes prompt on-site visitors to explore guide content related to an artwork or object on view. If you are using lookup numbers or QR codes as part of your Bloomberg Connects on-site experience, they should:

  • Be nearby: If the number or code corresponds to a piece of artwork, the lookup number should be next to it. If the number or code corresponds to a room or gallery, place the sign by the gallery entrance.
  • Be readable: We recommend that you use at least a 60 pt. type for the number. The graphic should be at least 2 inches/5 centimeters in height. If your visitors are unable to see or find the lookup numbers, they will not be able to have the full experience of the app. For QR codes, we recommend no smaller than 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches.
  • Provide context: When possible, include a brief overview of lookup content – get more information, hear audio, watch a video, etc.

Lookup numbers and QR codes can be incorporated into existing wall labels or created as a separate piece placed next to labels.

For more on using the CMS to link lookup numbers and QR codes to content in your guide, see Lookup Numbers and QR Codes.


Lookup numbers and QR codes
Incorporate the lookup number on artwork label
Incorporate the lookup number on artwork label
Within the cabinet on a freestanding sign


Click the links below to download templates for creating your own signage.

Existing On-Site Collateral

If your organization distributes printed collateral or has existing signage, consider adding a Bloomberg Connects QR code and call to action in your next printing or signage refresh. Promoting your guide in the same places as other key information about your organization is an efficient way to get the word out.

Places to add an app mention include:

  • Maps or other informational signage
  • Organizational brochures
  • Exhibition guides
  • Seasonal "What's On" guides

Based on available space, the collateral should:

  • Give a brief overview of Bloomberg Connects
  • Highlight the content available in your guide
  • Include a QR code to download

For guidance on how to talk about your Bloomberg Connects guide, see Sample Text and Copy Guidance.

Visitor Services Material

We find that the most effective way to encourage app downloads and guide starts is through visitor conversations with on-site staff.

One way to achieve this is having your admissions/ticket desk staff mention the app as part of the check-in process. Another approach is having gallery attendants suggest the guide to visitors. In both instances, human interaction combined with a QR code drives results.

Our team can work with you to create scripts and FAQs to help your staff become more familiar with Bloomberg Connects and better ambassadors for the app. We can also provide staff lanyards or QR code stickers to facilitate downloads and guide usage.

Training Materials

Click the links below to download material that can be used to help inform your visitor services staff and volunteers about Bloomberg Connects. The presentation includes information about Bloomberg Connects, how to access and use it, and some FAQs about the app. The presentation also includes slides for you to customize with information about your own guide. We want your team to know what Bloomberg Connects is and what great content your team has developed for it!

If you would like a member of our team to help with staff training or to conduct a training session, email marketing@bloombergconnects.org.

Awareness Tools

Bloomberg Connects lanyard
Staff badge QR code
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